Those of you that know me know that, while I am a faithful and religious person, I don't like to engage in "Bible Bingo". Every once in a while, however, the Word is so powerful and timely that I must take notice.
Thanks to Christi for sending me the Gospel and reflection for April 22, 2008 (
Independence Day).
Gospel Jn 14:27-31a
Jesus said to his disciples:
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.
Not as the world gives do I give it to you.
Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.
You heard me tell you,
‘I am going away and I will come back to you.’
If you loved me,
you would rejoice that I am going to the Father;
for the Father is greater than I.
And now I have told you this before it happens,
so that when it happens you may believe.
I will no longer speak much with you,
for the ruler of the world is coming.
He has no power over me,
but the world must know that I love the Father
and that I do just as the Father has commanded me.”
Reflection from The Little White Book, by Bishop Ken UntenerThere are many things we want in life. But, in “here and now” terms, the one thing we want most of all is inner peace.
I know this world is not perfect (any more than I am perfect). I know that there is pain and suffering. I know that love is sometimes fragile and my heart will be broken. I know all about sickness and setbacks and failure. I know I will make mistakes along the way and often have no excuse.
But, oh, beneath all of this, to have a deep-down inner peace…Not a false peace (and I can tell the difference), but an honest to goodness deep-down peace. That is what I want most of all. Honestly, I could handle all the rest if I could just have that kind of peace.
Look again at the Gospel passage above. Jesus promises his disciples – including me (!) – a peace that drink and drugs and false compliments and distractions and day-dreaming cannot give. He promises a peace that goes to the roots, to the core of who I am.
Read the text one more time, and hear Jesus speak your name when he says, “[Your name], my peace I give to you.”
Jesus doesn’t make false promises.